(352) 459-7337 (mobile)
About Us
Finding Inspiration in Laundry People Every Day
We are J.R. Garcia and Tania Thollebeke and we met in a laundry many years ago. We married in 2000 and have raised three children together. We live in Montverde, Florida and have founded Laundry People Finders to help the industry find competent and qualified talent in leadership and technical positions and Laundry People Consulting, to lend our decades of expertise to people that need it.
In 1992, after serving honorably in the United States Navy, J.R. started his laundry career at Walt Disney World working his way up from an entry level electro/mechanical position to Director of the entire business unit with over 1,000 employees and some of the largest laundry operations in the world. He has held every engineering and production position while working for some of the best companies in the hospitality laundry industry. J.R. completed his MBA at Stetson University in Florida in 2004.
Tania is a native of Belgium, where after graduating from university, she embarked on her first laundry assignment as a supply chain manager for a large garment plant in Brussels, and later, a logistics manager for multiple plants. Next, she spent several years implementing customized software solutions in laundries throughout Europe and North America for a Netherlands-based company. More recently, Tania founded a non-profit robotics organization called Mom's Guide To Robotics and is president of a private potable water distribution plant serving a small community. Tania holds a bachelor's degree in Commercial Engineering and a master's in Industrial Management.